Master your Psychic Ability in Tarot Card Workshop

Astrology can provide incredible keys to understanding, but it doesn’t necessarily provide clear and simplistic answers to any problems with which you may be dealing with. Tarot on other hand is simple yet lacing the scientific pragmatism. Some divinations complement each other perfectly. And when such divinations are used with each other the revelations are
powerfully dynamic. One such combination is using the science of Astrology and the knowledge of Tarot. While individually these are powerful modalities by themselves, together they are like two peas in a pod that fit perfectly in there


Tarot Card Workshop – A Guide To Tarot Reading

Learn how to read Tarot cards and deepen the relationship with yourself. Tarot cards are an ancient divination tool that has helped cultures across the world tap into multiple dimensions. Through ancient times, the cards were used, and continue to be used for improved self-understanding and to access intuition. Working with Tarot cards can be your personal, creative way to reflect on your life and relationships. Tarot cards as a tool for prediction is only one of its many wonders.

About the facilitator:

Dr Geetanjali Saxena Is a Wellness Coach with more than two decades of hands-on experience. She is trained in multiple modalities under various international trainers which give her a multi-cultural experience to understand people from all walks of life. Dr Geetanjali Saxena is a complete believer in the Free Will which we all have been gifted by the Creator. Dr Geetanjali Saxena has conducted numerous workshops and also taught students at individual levels to help explore their intuitive capabilities. If you are excited to understand and use the mightiness of both these divinations together, then Dr. Geetanjali Saxena brings you this Tarot Card Workshop. She has carefully crafted out this modality after imbibing the knowledge from her Guru who passed away in 2018. And now, she brings it for you so that you can benefit in multiple ways just the way she did.

In this Tarot Card Workshop, you will learn:

    • The principles of Astrology
    • Dive into the knowledge about 9 planets
    • The impacts of 9 planets in different zodiac signs (Rashis)
    • Connection of planets and the cards and how to interpret them.
    • Every Tarot card of the Rider-Waite Tarot is assigned astrological symbols that reveal a deeper perspective on the questions asked, for example:
    1. The Devil card is connected with the Gemini.
    2. The Star card is connected with the Virgo.
    3. The 3 pentacles Card is connected with Guru in Vrishabh
    4. The 9 Pentacles is connected with Mangal in Kanya.)

Guidance you can receive from Astro- Tarot Reading

      • Understanding the planet positions and their effects on you
      • Solution to Financial issues, debts and stagnancy in life
      • Remedies for alignments and diseases
      • Uncovering Fears and phobias by Planetary positions
      • Understanding Relationship issues

Watch Dr Geetanjali give a reading with Astro Tarot cards on

The benefits of learning ASTRO- TAROT are

      • Get accurate answers without the information such as time of birth or date of birth, which is mandatory in astrology
      • Receive astrological formulas to deal with several issues such as marriage, money, health
      • While tarot reveals to you only the unseen, Astro- Tarot gives you remedies too
      • Expand your practice and further contribute to enriching your client’s life
      • Put yourself on the path for greater self-awareness through these two highly powerful modalities

Learn to Give Accurate Professional Level Readings in Tarot Card Workshop

Combining the science of Astrology and the knowledge of Tarot, Dr Geetanjali Saxena has made it easier to understand the nuance of Astrology with Tarot cards fast quick effective energy, to help give guidance to all to balance their life. These two philosophies are deeply linked as they consult the celestial, astral world for guidance. Astrology reveals the impacts of planets concerning their position in your life, and tarot is based on the mystical powers of the astral world.