A unique mix of Vedic astrology, chakra’s and connection to high vibrational Goddess Gaia , the ancestral mother of all life This modality will open you to a world where all is possible, you will be given activations to enter the realm of multi dimensionality.

Our Soul is multi-dimensional and ever expanding. We have access to the higher dimensions of consciousness. As we connect and access the higher dimensions of consciousness, we attune to many dormant realms that exist within us. This unveils creative insights and solutions to problems that are holistic in nature which may not be apparent to normal ways of thinking and perceiving.

One of the ways to access these higher dimensions of consciousness is by activating higher frequencies through a guided process as channelled by Dr Geetanjali. These frequencies help to synchronize our brain hemispheres, allowing divine downloads to assist in our spiritual evolution.

Dr Geetanjali Saxena found connections between the different realms; she joined her vast experience of astrology (planets) with the chakras (energy centres of the body) and the Earth goddess (Goddess Gaia), to resolve all issues, be it health, finance or relationship. She has carefully crafted out this modality and channelized the symbols to enable anyone to manifest, enhance and evolve to live life to the max.


If you are excited to understand and use the mightiness of all these divinations together, then Dr. Geetanjali Saxena brings you Gaia Matrix Healing student and Master levels.

What can you receive from Gaia Healing Matrix:

  • Understanding the planet , chakra combinations
  • Symbols for quick and easy solutions for almost all spheres of life
  • Multi-dimensional Healing Modality
  • Remedies for alignments and diseases
  • Resolve Fears and phobias by high vibration atunenments
  • Able to quickly raise your own vibrations to manage and resolve multidimensional issues

What are the things you will learn?

Past life regression therapy

Student Level

hypnosis for weight loss

Master Level