
Integer finibus felis a diam sagittis, at semper diam interdum. Cras nibh nibh, facilisis ut enim ac, ullamcorper eleifend quam.

Family Constellation

Integer finibus felis a diam sagittis, at semper diam interdum. Cras nibh nibh, facilisis ut enim ac, ullamcorper eleifend quam.

Theta Healing

Integer finibus felis a diam sagittis, at semper diam interdum. Cras nibh nibh, facilisis ut enim ac, ullamcorper eleifend quam.




Dr. Geetanjali Saxena has done her Masters in Psychology and has done her PhD in Psychotherapy & Counselling. She has dedicated her life to the betterment and happiness of Humanity. She has been a wellness coach with more than 2 decades of experience. She has done her Diploma in Inner Child Therapist under Trisha Cateno and is a Past Life Regression Therapist.
top 10 tarot card reader in mumbai


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Counselling is a conversational process that can be instrumental in the development of skills that help to effectively


Theta Healing is a technique discovered & developed by Vianna Stibal for self-help as well as helping others


Nakshatra oracle cards have been conceptualised by Dr. Geetanjali on her study of Rashis , Nakshatra , and planets .
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Hypnotherapy is therapy that is undertaken with a subject in hypnosis. The word “hypnosis” (from the Greek hypnos, “sleep”)

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Dr. Geetanjali Saxena has done her Masters in Psychology and has done her PhD in Psychotherapy & Counselling. She has dedicated her life to the betterment and happiness of Humanity.
She has been a wellness coach with more than 2 decades of experience. She has done her Diploma in Inner Child Therapist under Trisha Cateno and is a Past Life Regression Therapist.

The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.


With the guidance of Dr. Geetanjali Saxena, the students make the most of their opportunities offered by our institute. Our students have been featured in many news as well as news headlines and have also conducted workshops in Mumbai. It gives us immense pleasure to present their potential and works to the people. You can view the works of Dr. Geetanjali Saxena’s students in the link below.
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Past Life Regression - Case Study

A client came to Dr. Geetanjali on 26th March 2017 with the issue of excruciating back pain since last 10 years Dr. Geetanjali decided to use Past Life regression after consultation.
hypnosis for weight loss

Case Of Strong Depression

A client came to Dr. Geetanjali on 26th March 2017 with the issue of excruciating back pain since last 10 years Dr. Geetanjali decided to use Past Life regression after consultation.
Past life regression therapy

Case Study For Inner Child

A client came to Dr. Geetanjali on 26th March 2017 with the issue of excruciating back pain since last 10 years Dr. Geetanjali decided to use Past Life regression after consultation.


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Change Your Words, Change Your Life.

Have you ever realised how can your words shape your life, your present & your future?. The way words are put up plays a significant role.
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Who Or What Creates Your World?

Did you know that your subconscious mind has already made a decision before you even know about it?

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CHAKRAS: Wheels Of Life!

Balancing your chakras improves your health and well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally.

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